sexta-feira, junho 01, 2007

A European Framework for High-Quality Public Services

Jacques Delors Building, Brussels

The battle for high-quality public services is very important, Then, I thank the European Economic and Social Council and the Committee of the Regions for their initiative,

Really, the public services are or should be at the heart of the European Social Model. And I hope that this Conference helps on this battle.

Dear colleagues and friends,

As rapporteur on social services of general interest, I would like to underline several important aspects concerning not only what we approved in the Parliament, but also the important points I think should be carried on the next future.

As the first important aspect, I must underline the need for a legal clarification. Of course, through a Directive.

The second aspect, it is the welcome to the firms, concerning their social responsibility in the field of S.S. General Interest

The third, concerns the social partners, who should be involved in each member State.

Also it is important the subjects of the quality of the services provided and the condition of work.

I must refer as the fifth point, the need for a complete transparency, concerning the relationship between SSGI and the local and regional powers.

The last but not the least, refers to the convocation by the Parliament of a Forum of Social Organisations that we will organise in Lisbon, on the 17th of September. There, in this day, we could follow up all the process and hear directly, together, what the social organisations in Europe do want.